Top 3 Travel Health Tips for 2021


Top 3 Travel Health Tips for 2021

Travel is the relocation of individuals between different geographical locations. Travel can generally be done by automobile, foot, bike, car, train, bus, plane, boat or other mode of transportation, with or without personal luggage, to any destination and is often one way or round trips. There are many forms of travel. Boat travel is a good example. Boat travel is one of the most popular means of travel, as boats can accommodate large numbers of people.

The largest source of travel in the United States is air travel. Air travel to the United States is very frequent. The airlines offer many different types of discounts to travelers that travel to the United States by air. Most people are aware of air travel, but some people are not familiar with some of the other means of traveling between destinations.

Public Transportation – The major public means of travel in the United States include buses, trains, subways, and ferry services. Trains run frequently throughout the country, and the number of miles per hour of rail travel has decreased dramatically in recent years as the safety of rail transport has improved. The cost of traveling by train is typically much less expensive than the cost of driving a personal vehicle.

Hospitality – The third most common travel type is visiting a doctor or hospital. Doctors and hospitals are a safe destination for visiting travelers, especially when the travel destination is within a few hours of another medical facility. Although there are no statistics available, there seems to be a low risk factor for illness or injury from extended hospital stays. There are many examples of this, including flu outbreaks and national health scares. When considering traveling to a destination where there is an acute shortage of medical personnel, it might be advisable to arrange travel that includes being admitted into a local hospital for care prior to traveling.

Traveling with Cervical vaccines – Certain types of cervical vaccines are provided to women who travel abroad. The Gardasil vaccine is one such vaccination. Unfortunately, there is also a very real and dangerous risk for men who travel to countries where the prevalence of the HPV virus is widespread, such as those in Europe and the United States. Because men can also contract HPV when they have sex with a woman who is infected, it is very important that men be fully vaccinated against HPV before engaging in intercourse. Some insurers will offer men a choice of opting out of getting the vaccine if they are aware of the increased risk for their partner; if this option is offered to a traveler, he should seriously consider it.

Quarantine – Those who travel to places in the United States or other countries that are on quarantine stations are at risk for contracting a variety of contagious diseases. Anyone traveling to a quarantine station is required by law to stay there until the date that the disease is completely eradicated. For travelers who are not staying at a quarantine station, they are still at risk for contracting a disease. While some diseases may only last for a few days or even a few weeks, others may remain around for months.